Le Curriculum Vitae et la Lettre de motivation ci-dessous nous ont servi dans le cadre de notre voyage que nous avons effectué avec l'école dans notre classe de 1ère STMG. Ce voyage consistait à effectuer un stage d'une semaine à Exeter (en Angleterre) dans une entreprise en autonomie.
- Un CV permet de montrer nos qualifications acquises lors de nos études, de nos éventuelles expériences professionnelles, ainsi que nos compétences.
- La lettre de motivation, elle, aide à convaincre les personnes pour lesquelles elle est destinée, de la pertinence de notre projet. Elles vont également pouvoir juger de la manière dont elle est écrite (dactylographiée ou non) ce qui en dit long sur notre personnalité.
Exemple d'un CV :
Personal Details:
• Name
• Home adress
• Phone Number
• Date of birth
• 2007-2010: Junior High
o Years 7 and 8: “Saint Vincent”
o Years 9 and 10: “Adoration”
• 2011-2012 (Year 11): Secondary School in “Assomption”
• 2012-2013 (Year 12): BTEC National Diploma in the secondary School “Jeanne d’Arc”
• 2011 (Year 10): GCSE
Work Experience:
• 2011: Work placement in a Hospital
• 2011: Teaching violin lessons
• Conversational English
• Working knowledge of German
Working with:
• Microsoft Word
• Power Point
• Internet
• Open Office
• Excel
• Violin
• Tennis in competition
• Travels
o Chicago
o California
o New York
Exemple de lettre de motivation :
Home Adress
Phone number
Date of birth
Date : 15th November 2012
Object : Application for a work placement in a Clothing Store, a Hotel or a Pet Shop.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am currently in the year twelve in High School “Jeanne D’arc” in Rennes ( Britain ). I am sociable, I am a serious student ,I am a joyful person and I have a good contact with people.
I want to improve my English level that’s why I think work in Exeter would be a great opportunity. I would like too discover the world of work. I always dream of going in Great Britain because I love the English language and I would like to discover the life there.
I would like to do a work placement in a clothing store because I love mode and the contact with people. I already work in a clothing store so I have a little experience.
I would like too do a work placement in a Hotel because I never work in a Hotel and I think it’s a good experience, very interesting. I would like to discover the life in a Hotel. I think that I will learn a lot of things with this work placement.
I am also attracted to working in a pet shop because I love animals. When I was young, my dream was to be a veterinary surgeon. I like taking care of animals when I have the time. When I will be adult, I would like to have animals. When I was a child, I had a cat but he disappeared.
Liens utiles :
- Traduire diplômes : http://www.international-e-careers.com/index.php/Conseils/Conseils-VIE/Recrutement-Equivalence-des-diplomes-avec-l-Angleterre.htmlhttp://
- Quelques informations sur le CV et la lettre de motivation : http://www.cadremploi.fr/emploi/html?page=107
- Site du C.R.I.J. pour la lettre de motivation et le CV : http://www.crij-bretagne.com/Trouver-un-emploi.html
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